Content marketing is a mission-critical tool to the modern-day marketer and one that should not be overlooked or misused. Long gone are the days of mass sending press releases hoping to get picked up or pitching stories and waiting… and sometimes only getting an answer based upon a level of advertising spend they committed to with that particular publication. In fairness, not all publications operate in this manner, but many do. Such action leaves the epitome of a company’s story in the hands of the 3rd party publication. It’s time for companies to take the reins and become their own storyteller. To sharing what they want, to who they want, when they want!


Today’s tools, including Content Management System (CMS) platforms and social media, have changed the game of publishing. They have provided companies with the means to tell their own story. Publishing one’s own content not only tells the story they want told but enables them to leverage who sees it by using multiple distribution tools such as websites, social media, advertising, e-mail, direct mail, and more. Companies can reach a broader audience and re-purpose the content to be shared in varying formats, per distribution mechanism used.  The centrifugal force at work here maximizes both frequency and reach to generate increased brand visibility. Centrifugal (by definition) is the apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the center of rotation. The inertia of the body is what drives it. The content, our centrifugal force, is what expands the company’s story beyond the core and opens opportunity to a whole new audience.


An Example of Content Marketing Serving as a Centrifugal Force

Here I am publishing a blog post… I will share this post on various social media accounts. Once I post an image on my Instagram, it will also pop up on my website. From there, I will publish on LinkedIn and further extend social media usage with additional viewpoints and link back to my blog. I can then also include it in an e-newsletter. The results will be an example highlighting the importance of RISE Marketing’s tactics in a PowerPoint presentation that can appear on SlideShare. From there, I can decide whether or not to leverage it as its own ad campaign and/or a component of our next direct mail campaign.


The possibilities are endless when strategizing a plan to leverage your relevant, original content. Luckily with so many avenues to share your content, it puts the control of the story and how the intended audience engages with it, in the company’s hands- as the centrifugal force to expand your brand’s reach.


If you are ready to grow your brand with content marketing, we are here to help. Reach out to RISE Marketing and we can begin the conversation of how we can help implement such a centrifugal force to create new opportunities for your company and expand your brand’s visibility.